Understand Why Professional Carpet Cleaning Is Best

As a homeowner, you may have become accustomed to taking on as many of those repair and maintenance issues as you can. While nothing’s wrong with taking care of things on your own to save money when possible, some tasks are best left to the professionals. Carpet cleaning is one of those tasks best left to professional carpet cleaners.
In order to fully understand why hiring a professional carpet cleaner is a better idea than trying to tackle the job yourself, you want to first learn about your home’s carpet, as well as what’s under the carpet.
The Layers of Your Flooring
If you were to pull up the carpet, you would see the backing of the carpet. The backing is made up of fabric or yarns that are woven to create small square patterns. Under the carpet you would see the padding.
The padding is what makes the carpet comfortable for you to walk on, which gives the floor a bit of a bounce. Padding comes in different styles and different thicknesses, but it all serves the same purpose; absorbing impact and relieving stress on the fibers of the carpet. Plus, the padding makes the floor more comfortable to walk on and safer for little ones who tend to fall a lot.
If you were to lift the padding, then you will likely see one of two things. You may see hard wood or concrete. If you see wood, this means large spills, pet accidents, or flooding can go through the carpet, through the padding, and even into the wood after spreading under the padding first.
If you see concrete, this means those large spills and other wet messes will hit the concrete and spread out to more of the padding and carpet, since the moisture has nowhere else to go.
The Spots That Keep Coming Back
As a homeowner, you’ve likely had spots on your carpet that you have scrubbed and scrubbed, only to have them reappear shortly after. The reason the spots keep coming back is because you never got completely rid of them in the first place.
All that scrubbing you did on your hands and knees did a great job of removing the stain from the surface of the carpet, but that work did nothing to remove the stain from the padding. Therefore, when people walk on that spot, they will be pushing the carpet down on the padding where the stain is still there, along with dirt that has traveled down through the carpet to the padding. This causes the stain to come back.
You may have attempted to pull out the big guns and use a household steam cleaner to fight those tough stains and still seen the same results. This is because the household steam cleaners may put out a lot of soapy water, but they don’t do a good job of pulling the water back up. This means some of your carpet can look great, but you can’t expect those stains to stay gone.
The Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
You’ve seen professional carpet cleaners at work at some point. You’ve probably noticed the loud motor and seen the industrial quality equipment. When you compare that system to your little household steam cleaner, things will start to make sense.
A professional carpet cleaner will use hot water and an industrial strength cleaning solution on the carpet. The hot water and cleaner will go down to the padding. They will then use their industrial strength vacuum setting to suck almost all the water they dispelled back up from the padding and the carpet. The result will be carpet that looks clean, smells clean, feels clean, and remains clean for much longer.
If you want your carpet cleaned professionally, so your carpeting gets as clean as possible and stays clean for as long as possible, contact us. We will be happy to come out and take care of your carpet cleaning needs.